Well, well, well …. a RECORD year!

Phil, Tracey, Paul, Marty & Mick

We could not have asked for better weather. Seriously, we do not know how the rainy weather passed us by during the ball tournament weekend, but we sure are glad that it did!

We had record crowds all weekend long, and as a result, we raised record proceeds.

This year we managed to raise $5,250 for our major charity, The Make A Wish Foundation of Eastern Ontario, and $750 for the Township of Osgoode Care Centre, and $500 for the Osgoode Youth Association. That’s a total of $6,500 raised in a day and half. Thanks so much to everyone for coming out, and for staying!

Friday night was fantastic – I always totally enjoy Friday … it’s great to see people arrive at the park and greet each other. Some haven’t seen each other since last year’s tournament! Lots of hugs, and everyone always has the biggest grins on their faces .. because it’s finally here again!

As I stand in the gazebo and watch folks arrive, I am reminded that there will be some people who will not be here this year … they have left us … and I think about visiting with them last year. That’s one of the best parts of the ball tournament, collecting those kinds of memories.

As the teams and spectators stream in, I see how much the kids have grown … that one who was a baby last year is running around … that toddler is speaking full sentences … that young lad is playing in his first family ball tournament … that girl has her driver’s license … it’s astonishing how quickly life flies by us! How nice that we are able to watch them grow up before our very eyes! And how wonderful to be able to slow it down for a weekend of hanging out with loved ones …

There were awesome ball games and then there were tunes! We had a great evening Friday night – terrific crowds – and the Blanchfields were behind the bar like the old days (!). The weather was a little cool, but not too bad.

Angie Thompson rocked the stage with some acoustic tunes, karaoke and open mike. Great job, Angie!! Special thanks to Justin Falardeau and Vince Thompson for their performances! Sorry we ran out of beer at the bar, but you know, that’s just the sign of a great party!!

Saturday morning I have to admit I was allowed to sleep in …. aaah … thanks Phil and Marty, for tending to the coffee. Kinda nice to arrive when everything is in full swing! (that’s a baseball joke hehe).

Saturday we spent most of the day watching the sky – waiting for it to fall in! To our utter amazement it did not, and the games went on.

This year on Saturday afternoon we did something a bit different – our charity’s Executive Director, Mike Wlotzki, wanted to come out to say a few words to us about their organization. He took the stage at 2:30ish and explained how our proceeds would go directly to a sick child who had asked for a wish. It might be a trip somewhere, or something else that the child wishes for. It is incredible that this year we will know exactly where our money goes. We can’t wait to hear who we helped! We will post here when we know.

After Mike’s speech, the Make A Wish team played a game against the Kellys. We hear they had a lot of fun, and contributed to the Kellys near-perfect weekend. :) Then we actually made them work the bar. They had a great time but they sure couldn’t believe how busy we were! They will be remembered as one of our hardest working charities for sure, and we were so pleased that they got so involved in our fund-raising efforts this year! Special thanks goes to Tina Eggens who did the office legwork for us, but was unable to attend the tournament, as she was out of town. There’s always next year, Tina!

The results were close this year in both divisions, and it came down to the last couple of games to determine who would be in the finals. Great scheduling, as always, by Paul. I still don’t know what we would do without him.

The final games started a bit late because we did the draws before the games, but they finished up right in time for Brandy n Port to take the stage. I don’t know about you guys, but when Danny Byrne gets on that mike, I just really know I’m at the ball tournament. It may be partly because he teases me non-stop, but every year when I hear him start talking, I always know the party of the year is about to begin. I’m so happy the lads came out to entertain us again this year. Truth be told, I think they have as much fun as we do! The McEvoys RAWKED the bar, and the dance floor was always full. Janet McEvoy is the first person I’ve seen swing on the rafters in the gazebo since Mike Doyle and Gerry Duplessis. Hell of a party, gang … hell of a party.

The Brophy team came out on top of the Kellys in the B Division by a score of 16-11. I wish Meredith could have been there to see Conor kiss the trophy! (get well, Mer!)The Downeys will get their name engraved on the A Trophy again this year after their defeat of the Brogans, 14-9 (oops, score is right now!). Paul presented the trophy to Angela Doyle, but only after she put the Downey team t-shirt on!

Mick Thompson spoke after the hardware was handed out, and led our moment of silence for the family members and friends who are no longer with us. Then he surprised Marty, Phil, Paul and me with plaques for our tireless efforts (…what??) over the years. I think I can speak for the boys when I say they’re not tireless efforts at all … we are plenty tired! haha

But really, we REALLY DO do it for charity, we do it for fun, we do it for the memories. Thanks for the recognition, but we couldn’t do it without all of you. It takes so much to get it going, happening, and wrapped up, that we really appreciate every little effort from everyone. We also really appreciate the support of our spouses every year. Y’all are good people.

Congratulations to all of the winners!

Thanks so much also to the Care Centre volunteers who ran our barbecue and the O-YA volunteers who helped out at our kids table. Thanks to all of our sponsors as well – see the list at the right.

Each year I think I’ll step down from the committee, and then things get rolling, and before we know it, the weekend gets here and I just don’t know what I would do if I wasn’t milling around in the background. My team would probably make me play … ack! … no one wants to see that!

Anyway I’m so proud of everyone who lends their support in every way, to help us continue to put this amazing weekend on each year – thanks for everything.

We’ll see you all next year! When? Why, the weekend after the long weekend in August, of course!


on behalf of
Marty, Phil, Paul, Cathy, Mary, Martha, Vince, Mick, Christine, and everyone else in charge. :)

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